Tips and Tricks

How to sniff TCP connection in Linux

Today I have to investigate network related problem that caused some networks were usable for a moment. This problem was occurring at remote site so I didn't have physical access to anything. What I have is just an account on the Linux router for the NAT network in training room. The application relies on web services technology so it is absolutely pure TCP. There are so many problem regarding this investigation. The coordinator don't understand the lower level of network so I can't ask too much information. Actually, I have to try by myself. At a glance, I would like to know if the connection from the client to the web services container is success or not. So I need to have a kind of sniffer.

How to post HTTP request in Python

Once upon a time, I went to attend a conference. The organizer provided wifi access to all attendances which one has to login via web before using this free service. My problem was that I would like to use secure shell. I don't want to browse web. I don't need to start web browser just for logging in. So I wrote a simple and short python script to login automatically.

How to let normal user run NWDS

NWDS stands for SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. It is an extended version of the famous Eclipse aimed to help developing applications to run on SAP NetWeaver platform under Java stack. Anyway, it assumes that you installed and ran the NWDS on your personal computer. In other words, you should be the Administrator or is in Administrators group. As a result, you may not be able to run NWDS if you are not in either case.

How to install oci8 for PHP 5 on Ubuntu

OCI8 is an extension for providing APIs to Oracle database management system. However, installing OCI8 is not just easy like apt-get since it requires SDK offered by Oracle and its distribution license prohibits the inclusion to linux distribution. That means we have to download and compile it by ourselves. Fortunately, it is a little bit easy for Ubuntu.

How to insert an image into primary links in Drupal

Drupal normally provides powerful and secure menu system to all of us. We are able to manipulate primary links and secondary links seamlessly and easily with little effort. However, sometimes we would like to insert an image instead of text. I found a good snippet but it does not work for me. This snippet is just for menu item but actually, I am talking about primary links or secondary links. Starting in Drupal 5, primary links and secondary links are not formatted by the theme engine, instead, a list of arrays are passed to the theme directly. By default, all menus are passed to check_plain() to prevent unexpected security holes so we cannot insert HTML tag here include . Fortunately, this is Drupal. We can customize theme to let us insert just only img tag.

How to solve import development configuration failure in SAP NetWeaver Sneak Preview

SAP NetWeaver is one of a cool and complete platform for large-scale enterprise backoffice. There are so many components especially in the recent version which Java development is mainstream. That's why SAP has to distribute Technology Preview to anyone interesting to learn by themselves for wide-range users, e.g., administrator, developer, manager and etc. Another benefit is to test the product world-wide as a beta test so that all testers will generate bug reports to the community.

Anyway, all previews are not the real products and there is no professional support. We have to learn how to solve issues ourselves. I just got one issue during trying test Design Time Repository for large-scale development team. The problem occurred when I tried to import development configuration in NWDS.

Import configuration failed:Could not create mountpoint for SC in compartment example.org_APPL_1: Could not create remote path /dtr/ws/Application/example.org_APPL/dev/inactive/SCs/ (Internal Server Error).
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