
Parsing XML in Python

XML is a popular data format because of its flexibility and extensibility. It is widely used to describe hierarchical data. For any data format, you need at least 2 operations: read and write. Basically, XML data is in form of tree. Once you have the XML tree, you can generate XML by walking through all nodes in that tree. So the biggest problem is to read XML tree from text stream, text file or text string. This process is usually called as parsing.

การลง Tomcat บน CentOS

การลง tomcat บน linux นั้นบางครั้งเป้นเรื่องที่น่าปวดหัวเพราะเราจะต้องมานั่ง install หรือ compile ให้มันวุ่นวายหรือหากเอา binary tarball มาลง configuration ก็ดูกระจัดกระจายน่าปวดหัว หาก distro ไหนที่ support ระบบ package management มันก็สะดวกหน่อยในการ Install หรือจัดการ เพราะพวกนี้จะถูกจัดเก็บค่อนข้างเป็นที่เป็นทาง CentOS ก็คือหนึ่งในนั้นที่มีระบบ package management ที่สะดวกโดยใช้ yum หรือ up2date command ในการใช้งาน (base on RPM) ในครั้งนี้เราจะมาพูดถึงการ install tomcat5 บน CentOS ซึ่งเนื่องจาก เอกสารดั่งเดิมเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ ซึ่งบางคนคงจะไม่อยากอ่านหรือนั่งแปล ผมจึงยกบางส่วนและเสริมรายละเอียดบางส่วนเข้าไป เพื่อให้เข้าใจมากขึ้น และอาจจะง่ายมากขึ้น หรือเปล่า??

Blog widgets in Typepad

Widgets are going to be so popular. Typepad is trying to promote the widget concept to the blog engine, Typepad itself. In the past, bloggers have to modify template or manually add each html snippet generated by the service providers to a block. If you don’t know what service providers are, the very basic ones are counter services, FeedBurner, Flickr, Technorati and many more. Typepad’s blog widgets are the best solution for newbies who want to add pieces of codes to their blog without know-how.

ajaxSketch: To ajax or not to ajax

It’s a week since ajaxLaunch released ajaxWrite, now it is the time for ajaxSketh to be launched to the wild. Comparing to ajaxWrite, ajaxSketch was loaded faster than ajaxWrite (I guess there are less buttons in ajaxSketch). Anyway, the overall performance of ajaxSketch is not quite as good as I expect. You will get some slow-motion while dragging an object using your mouse pointer. In addition, I don’t like some behavior, e.g., I have to select an object before dragging, otherwise, the object will be resized.

Programmable FTP Client

FTP may not be as secure as SFTP but it is very fast. SFTP is best for personal usage. If you are sharing non-critical files among group of users, FTP seems to be better choice. Note that there is no shell access for those users. For example, a set of users are sharing a server space placed at a high-speed data center. Everyone placed requests to download new files everyday. In other words, all users download files to temporarily store in the server and then get them back home through FTP.

Banned by Slashdot

Something terrible happened to me (my network). I have just tried to read an article fetched by  in original view at Slashdot. Unfortunately, I got banned.

Either your network or ip address has been banned from Slashdot
...due to script flooding that originated from your network or ipaddress -- or this IP might have been used to post comments designedto break web browser rendering. Or you crawled us with a rude robot,especially one that doesn’t understand RFCs very well.
If you feel that this is unwarranted,feel free to include your IP address( in the subject of an email, and we will examine whythere is a ban. If you fail to include the IP address (again, inthe subject!), then your message will be deleted and ignored. Imean come on, we’re good, we’re not psychic.

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