
Monitor mainboard in Ubuntu

For server machine, you might want to monitor the status of your machine closely. What do you want to know? Yes, CPU, fan, and harddisk are the main components. Fortunately, Linux has strong support for hardware sensors. All sensors are supported by lm-sensors. The original project is to provide support for lm78 but now it aims to support wide range of sensor chips. Ubuntu provides lm-sensors as a ready-to-use package. You can install it in just 3 steps.

  1. Install the package
    apt-get install lm-sensors

Remote Administration using VNC in Ubuntu

The most favorite remote administration tool is the well-known SSH. However, in some cases, you might want GUI. X window might not be suitable for remote administration. VNC is a good solution. Firstly, you have to install necessary pieces such as VNC server and a window manager of your choice. For me, I would like to try IceWM.

apt-get install icewm tightvncserver xfonts-base mrxvt

Install java using deb package in Ubuntu

Nowadays Java seems to be the most popular application development platform because of its portability and availability of APIs. Anyway, standard Java by Sun only provides pre-package version in RPM format and tar format. In order to install this package on other Linux distros like Ubuntu, deb package should be constructed for easily managing the package later. Fortunately, Ubuntu offers lots of tools to automate these tasks. For a fresh Ubuntu, you can follow below instruction to install Java properly.

An Installation Guide on Sneak Preview SAP NetWeaver 2004s Full ABAP Edition

I wrote A Visual Installation Guide on Sneak Preview SAP NetWeaver 04 ABAP Edition. By now, there is the newer version so it should be updated to match the new instalation wizard. Anyway, the new version is very similar to the old one. There is no noticable difference during installation. I will just let you know about my machine.

An Uninstallation Guide on Sneak Preview SAP NetWeaver 2004s Full ABAP Edition

In some cases, you might want to completely uninstall the Sneak Preview SAP NetWeaver 2004s Full ABAP Edition. Yes, it is possible. Below is my procedure that you may follow. Note that I will not touch default unless it is necessary so please leave them untouch if I don’t explicitly specify new values.

  1. Open folder \SAPNW2004sSneakPreviewABAP\Installation_Master
  3. Specify Profile Directory to C:\usr\sap\NSP\SYS\profile and press Next button

Root account in Ubuntu

Ubuntu is not the same as other Linux distros. Actually, it is totally different concept about usage of root account. In Ubuntu, you will never be asked for root’s password during installation process. Someone might think this is the wrong thing that Ubuntu has pre-defined default password. In fact, it doesn’t even has any password for root account. root account is disabled to login by default no matter what how many times you guess.

Some Linux distros, e.g., LinuxTLE, massively bundled with ICT computers in OEM style, doesn’t allow end-user to change any configuration so they didn’t give root’s password at all. However, root account is one of the most important for all users including end-users. At last, they had to announce the root’s password to all users eventually.

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