Performance improvement of Drupal 5 against 4.7
Drupal 5 has been released for a while. It comes with lots of changes in APIs as well as in the core engine. One of the reason to drive changing the core engine of Drupal is performance. If you remember the performance comparision of Ruby on Rails, Django and Symfony (read here) last year, the performance result was Django, Ruby on Rails and Symfopy, respectively. Django was outperformed because Python is generally run faster than the rest. Moreover, PHP is always the slowest one even with any kind of accelerator.
Anyway, Drupal may break above results. It's just a matter of time. Drupal 6 is one of the promising CMS I imagine.
- sugree's blog
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Old theme and new layout
If you notice some weird in this site, there are something wrong since I used this theme. This theme is bluebreeze. It is nearly perfect especially for SEO except only one big problem regarding anchor (see issue). Well, it is also beautiful at least for me. The theme is good but the layout is too advanced for standard CSS. I found another good layout in Aberdeen. Anyway, the theme is not for me at all. So my solution is to use Aberdeen's layout with the bluebreeze's theme.
- sugree's blog
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Gaim 2.0.0 Beta 6 for Ubuntu Edgy Eft: Almost perfect
Gaim 2.0.0 Beta 6 has just been released officially yesterday. According to the release note:
Sean: Barring any seriously major new issues, we expect this to be the final beta release before 2.0.0. This has a bunch of cool UI changes, some Google Talk features, a bunch new plugins, and other goodness.
Nathan: Beta6 rocks. That is all.
Gary: Long time no news. My silence will end soon ;)
Evan: My first news! I knocked out a nice collection of crashes, thanks in part to my ever-patient Adium beta testers. Gaim 2.0.0 is going to be delicious. :)
The only thing noticeable is UI changes where the avatar icon in Buddy List is scaled down. Anyway, there are so many bug fixes included in this beta. Another ones are Google Talk features. In the past, there is no special cases to support extensions introduced in Google Talk. Now, some extensions are implemented. In fact, it just supports . Good start though.
- sugree's blog
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Porting multiping.module to Drupal 5
The built-in Ping module bundled with Drupal is not as good as I expect to have on my site because it only notifies Ping-o-Matic. I just want to ping to custom list of pinging services. I have also found multiping which was initially referred in a thread. Actually, I patched the built-in Ping module to support custom Ping services, both ping
and extendedPing. Anyway, it is not as good as multiping provide to me. Unfortunately, multiping has not been ported to Drupal 5 yet. That's why I have to do it today.
- sugree's blog
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Porting customerror.module to Drupal 5
One thing I would like to track in my sites is how many query got 404 or 403 error. Sometimes, 404 means something wrong by me. Anyway, I have my hero, customerror module.
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Porting gsitemap.module to Drupal 5
Another useful module for all content-based sites is gsitemap which interacts with efficiently. This module already has its branch for Drupal 5. However, it doesn't work properly on Drupal 5 yet.
- sugree's blog
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