
Smooth procedure to upgrade Drupal 4.7.0 beta 5 to beta 6

I have just received the urgent security notification regarding to Drupal all versions. If you are using Drupal, please upgrade immediately! According to the announcement, the latest version are as follows.

  • Drupal 4.6.6
  • Drupal 4.5.8
  • Drupal 4.7.0-beta6

I upgraded howforge.com to beta 6 in last minute. Though, even it is just bugs fix version, there are lots of change from beta 5 to beta 6. Anyway, it is very easy to upgrade. Below is my instruction.


Claim down please. I guess you are looking so excited right now. I did the same to you. The question in my mind was what it could be. Actually, GNU Fansubs is not what we imagined to be a kind of software. GNU Fansubs is just a fansubs team and it is just a name.

If you are doubt what fansubs are, go to GNU Fansubs and see by yourself what it is.

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We all know what Google is. Google is the most popular search engine right now. It has indexed large amount of contents from around the net and it aims to index all information. I have just clearly realized what they are trying to do. In fact, we can classify all information in this world into 2 classes; public and private. Public contents are the major parts however, they are not the whole parts at all. The key is the later one, private contents.

If we think in more detail what private contents are, they are very simple to identify private contents. Private contents mean that they are only accessible by authorized persons. Actually, most authorized persons are the one who pay for private data. That’s it!

BTQueue 0.1.0 433

Welcome back to the text mode. BTQueue 0.1.0 has been released with build 433. In this version, you don’t need to worry about incorrect filename encoding. Since some torrent maker softwares do not encode filename in UTF-8 as specified clearly in the standard specification, the earlier version of BTQueue created unreadable filenames. This problem is gone forever, you can specify a list of possible encodings to try. In case of you don’t provide the correct encoding, the original filename will be used instead of scrambled one. This global preference is in policy.conf.

default_encoding = shift-jis,tis-620

Post2Blog 1.21.1 is released

To all you are looking for blog client software for Windows, Post2Blog is my recommendation. You must try to see how it help you write good blogs extremely fast. Well, you may think that built-in visual editor like TinyMCE or FCKeditor are good enough. Believe me, you don’t know the power of the blog client.

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Fixing incorrect gamma in PNG and Internet Explorer

Yesterday, I would like to create a new logo image for howforge.com, the current one was the default logo. The current logo was in PNG format without transparency since the background was just a plain color #6699cc. Well then, I used PhotoShop to modify that logo to mine and saved it through "Save for web" option aka ImageReady. Unfortunately, my logo was displayed correctly in Firefox but not Internet Explorer. The problem is transparency. Internet Explorer can’t render transparent PNG correctly. So, I managed to add background with color #6699cc and tried again. It didn’t work on IE again, #6699cc in the logo didn’t match to the background in CSS. This seems to be problem of gamma.