How to change IP of ISPConfig

When you move your hosting server to another ISP or even just change its IP address, you have to update all configuration regarding IP in ISPConfig. Below is my log.

  1. Change distribution specific network settings.

  2. Change settings of bind in /etc/bind one by one.

    perl -pi -e 's/' /etc/bind/x
  3. Change settings of Apache in /etc/apache2/vhosts.

    perl -pi -e 's/' /etc/apache2/vhosts/Vhosts_ispconfig.conf
  4. Change IP in MySQL database.

    mysql -uroot -p ispconfigdb

    Then execute a query.

    update isp_isp_domain set domain_ip = '' where domain_ip = '';
  5. Change IP in ISPConfig admin interface.

    • Management -> Server -> Settings

All done. Note that I was changed to

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