I'm a twitter and I'm tweeting regularly

Million thanks to Noneck for . After I saw that, it heavily inspired me like an EMP. Actually, it's such a simple social network nowaday. I don't see any special features but it simply works! , in fact, only has one and simple concept to share what you are doing publicly on this world wide community. Everyone following you will be notified when you update your status. Anyway, the hidden magic is the way of implementations; How to update? and How to notify?

In Twitter, you are able to update status via a web form, instant messenger or sms. The web form is simple, clean and clear. All you need is just a string of characters not longer than 140. However, it might not be suitable for me and many others. The second way, IM, is very promising. We are living with IM. Everybody should have an IM or more. Twitter offers a bridging service between Twitter itself and Gtalk or Jabber account. All I want to do is just sending message to the bridge. That's all. Honestly, this is one of the most big thing in my wishlist. The last method is through sms. SMS is very cool because you can tweet anytime and anywhere.

The next magic is notification. Twitter notifies me in 3 methods; web, IM and sms. In other words, you can chat with anyone in Twitter through your Gtalk client and be notified through sms even you are outside office.

Not only communicate with your friends but also some idols. For example, I had chances to chat with about SAP and Mac OS X. I can track what is doing. I noticed the use of Drupal in other side of the world. I was notified for new features in Ubuntu Gutsy immediately.

Not over yet! The best experience of Twitter is when you are traveling. I like to update my status on the road. If sms is not comfortable solution, you may try grps solution using Jitter, or GoTalkMobile. I personally prefer Jitter because it's small and efficient. However, Jitter and jTwitter don't have automatic notification and you can't "track" so GoTalkMobile might help since it is Gtalk client. I found that GoTalkMobile is very convenience but there are still some issue to investigate, e.g. power consumption.

Let's tweet. .

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