Personal Financial Tracking 2: GnuCash
According to previous review, I discuss about Grisbi. Now it’s time for a bigger one, GnuCash. GnuCash is a full feature open source accounting software. It seems to be the most powerful open source solution suitable for SME or even larger corporates. GnuCash is absolutely different from Grisbi in term of principle and objective.
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Personal Financial Tracking 1: Grisbi
I’m looking for a simple, easy, and good financial tracking software to running on my laptop. It seems there are 3 famous open-source options in the wild; GnuCash, Grisbi, and KMyMoney. Ok, I will start by Grisbi since it is also available to run on Win32 platform.
- sugree's blog
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Browser compatibility in
I love Firefox. By the way, almost websites in Thailand are authored to best fit in Internet Explorer. The most common problem is Thai word wrap. Firefox expects to insert newline for each whitespace. As a result, Firefox usually renders incorrect layout for those web pages. Unfortunately, I found critical problem for this issue today. You can try it easily. Just go to And then try to login using any user and password. Firefox will stop process in a blank page. In fact, it is not really blank one. There is a form tag and a script tag which simply submits that form. That’s all. There is no html tag and body tag. What does it mean? Firefox is too strict in rendering non-wellform HTML.
- sugree's blog
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Blognone Tech Day #1
Blognone Tech Day #1 was held at Kasetsart University today. As you could see in the program schedule, each speaker had about 24 minutes excluding questions and answers. This schedule is so tight, says 11 topics in 270 minutes. Anyway, the first 2 speakers took about 2 hours. I was one of them. Sorry. 20 minutes are too short for my topic Python on Zope. Some audiences may expect to see on-line demonstration. I have no idea how to do that on Zope. Zope is not designed to develop add-on product as quick as Ruby on Rails can do on the first topic.
- sugree's blog
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Upgrading Ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06 Beta in VMware
Today, I decided to upgrade my Ubuntu 5.10 instance in VMware to Ubuntu 6.06 Beta Dapper Drake. It is very easy to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper by doing as follows.
- Update all softwares to the most recent version
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Install Drupal 4.7 in 3 minutes
Just another screencast to show how easy to install Drupal 4.7 on Windows using Apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin. From the screencast, it took about 3 minutes to install from scratch including download the package. Most of this installation time was spent for configuring database user. So, it would be easier on Linux if he just uses mysql_setpermission to create database and grants privilege to the demo user.
- sugree's blog
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