
How to run GDPSetup.exe

GDPSetup.exe is a file bundled with some ’s plug-ins, e.g.,  and . Usually, you don’t need to worry about install/uninstall each plug-in. However, you might be interesting to run it by yourself. There are two options; install and uninstall. To install, run it as below.

GDPSetup.exe -install

And to uninstall, see below.

GDPSetup.exe -uninstall

Post2Blog 1.21.1 is released

To all you are looking for blog client software for Windows, Post2Blog is my recommendation. You must try to see how it help you write good blogs extremely fast. Well, you may think that built-in visual editor like TinyMCE or FCKeditor are good enough. Believe me, you don’t know the power of the blog client.

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BitTorrent Clients Review 2006-03-11

I have just found very comprehensive comparison of various BitTorrent clients at BitTorrent Client Shootout. Below is my summary plus my opinions.

  1. BitTorrent Official Client
    1. Clean, clear, simple, and official one, DHT
    2. Open source
    3. Lack of features: download limitation, UPnP doesn’t work properly in some cases, intend to support only Windows
  2. uTorrent 

Web Framework Statistics

This week could be the Web Framework week here. I have just found a good statistics regarding web framework. The first one is about Python Web Framework comparing to others. Arggg. There are so many frameworks for Python. Zope is the most popular one. The second is Python Template Engine Statistics. Zope is the first one again. And the last one, Programming Language Statistics, Java is the first and Python is the 7th.

Web Framework for Guido van Rossum

As you might know, Guido is spending 50% of his time on Python at Google in Silicon Valley. However, Python is not the main language there. Fortunately, it is the 3rd after C++ and Java. Not too bad. Well, his starter project at Google was to develop an web-based internal tools for Google developers. Google has a ton of reusable web server code for large scale servers, anyway, they are overkill in that project and it’s all C++. He was looking for a good web framework. Actually, he was looking for what it should be. During the research, he found and tried Django, Ruby on Rails, Quixote, Nevow, and more. He concluded as the word No XML.

Pythonic Issue Tracker

Are you a Pythonian? Well, no matter what you are, you might be looking for a good issue tracker. It is one of the must-have component for community development. Now I have 2 solutions in my mind.

  1. Trac
  2. Roundup

Trac is very attractive and complete; however, it might be too much with wiki if you already have one. Roundup is another one I found yesterday. Guido recommended to use Roundup someday, sooner or later. So, Roundup is very interesting by now.