
How to install MailScanner on Ubuntu Dapper

I would like to have MailScanner on a Ubuntu Dapper server for internal server. There are many receipts including a good one at wiki. Anyway, I add a few modification to make it more easier to debug. Follow me.

How to solve "sudo: timestamp too far in the future"

sudo is a must to have in all Unix host to prevent wide-spread of root account. It also has built-in security checking by time. However, sometimes this feature might annoy sudo to stop working after adjusting date/time back from the future.

sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug  9 18:31:44 2007

To solve this problem, I have a clue.

How to configure PAM authentication in Squid

Sometimes you may want to classify web traffic per user, not IP-based classification, in Squid. Squid supports this mechanism via external authentication plugin. The most common one is NCSA authentication but a flexible one is PAM since it is possible to use LDAP backend as well as unsecured passwd and shadow.

How to filter HTTP traffic using SquidGuard in Ubuntu

Most offices have internet access especially for managers and employees to read and compose e-mails with customers. Anyway, everything has their bad side so most employees will try to access other things consuming more traffics, e.g., music videos, video streaming, songs and many more. As a result, e-mail applications may slow down. Since most of them will also have proxy to save valuable bandwidth and a popular one is Squid, [SquidGuard][] is able to help controlling internet usage for unimportant purposes.

How to install Subversion on CentOS 4.5

I was assigned to find out how to install Subversion on CentOS. It is a good version control system right now, especially for development teams in any enterprises. Installing Subversion on CentOS is quite easy as follows.

Goodbye LevelOne WBR-3402A, Welcome Linksys WRT54GL

I have used an all-in-one ADSL wireless router LevelOne WBR-3402A at my home for a few years. It serves me very good until last month. The router often hangs up during the night once a day and continuously increases. Last night, it hanged up and never come back again. Goodbye my friend!

Anyway, my life have to go on. My new target is a broadband wireless router Linksys WRT54GL which L means Linux. The firmware of this router is based on linux and it is opensource. I can do many things later on.

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