
How to create and verify SSHA hash using PHP

There are so many hash. SHA1 is one of them which is widely used in recent years even though it is not safe to use right now. By the way, it is still the default hash function for storing password in LDAP especially OpenLDAP. In order to develop a website with LDAP authentication manually against POSIX account, SSHA hash function or SHA1 is the easiest solution.

Where to get LDAP Explorer

Working with LDAP is not as easy as I expect. I do need to have a good frontend to handle LDIF. There are several LDAP GUI Applications available in public domain but the easiest one should be web-based software solution. One main reason is to run it on localhost without graphical interface like X server and so on. The most popular one I know is called LDAP Explorer which is available for so long and it is a kind of old project. Right now, it is not easy to find and download this software because the main web site ( has been downed for a while. Anyway, I have found a valid one eventually.

How to clone LCD to projector using fglrx

Even though I used IBM ThinkPad T43 for a month, I just have a chance to give a short talk and presentation in this week. So I have to show my slide on a projector. Anyway, Fn+F7 didn't work as expect like I did in BenQ as well as amdcccle which didn't help. Eventually, I find a right way through command line interface. Note that I use driver from ATI, fglrx 8.38.6.

How to configure laptop hotkey in Ubuntu

Today I have a little trouble. All hotkeys of my T43 didn't response my finger by displaying on-screen display. Instead, it was just nothing happen. After investigated 2 hours, I found a solution. It is hotkey-setup.

How to display user's fullname in Drupal

By default, Drupal will have only username and password for such a user. Whenever username is displayed, it will try to call a theme funtion namely username by specified $node. If you want to display user's fullname instead, you have to customize a little bit.

How to list nodes in multiple taxonomies in Drupal using Subquery

I found a good question regarding PHP snippet for Drupal. Usually, we will list nodes in multiple taxonomies using OR operator. However, you might need to list using AND operator which nodes must be in all specified taxonomies instead. It is not easy to do so using plain SQL. The straightforward solution is to use subquery.

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