
Peer backs with verbose log

Since BTQueue has been moved its core back to BitTorrent, "peer" command was malfunction. Now, it backs again. You can see peers which the tracker responses by just as below.

peer [id]

In addition, you might want to see what is going on at current time. "last_message" also has been re-enabled. Anyway, there is only one message to indicate announce URL.

Improvement of Drupal Installation

I have used Drupal for a several months. One problem I found is installation system. Actually, it is not real problem for me but my colleagues. They are not programmers or power-users but instead, they are just end-users. In order to install Drupal, I have to place the Drupal source somewhere, initialize database, configure settings.php and then create the first user account. So the most difficult part is to create new database and populate base schema based on what predefined by Drupal’s core. Comparing to Joomla!, it is much more simpler to simplify installation process by wizard style for going through filling the form. So, Drupal is suitable for power-users who want to take control everything and like deploy complex sites. What is complex site? Drupal, not like other Joomla, is designed to reduce core code modification and patch. In other words, it is designed for easier upgrading without conflicts of modification. Your modifications are usually placed in independent directories so that you can update core code anytime you like.

ConferenceXP: Microsoft Style Access Grid

Access Grid is a platform for multipoint multimedia conferencing over high-speed network. Comparing to H.323, Access Grid requires a lot more bandwidth to make reasonable video conference because it is decentralized architecture. In other words, there is not bottleneck in Access Grid. That’s why it consumes more bandwidth. Microsoft NetMeeting is a clone of H.323 system so Microsoft needs to propose new conferencing system to compete with Access Grid. Now, the new system called ConferenceXP is in the lab.

Reset data in Enterprise Manager to NULL

Enterprise Manager is a powerful utility to access and to control Microsoft SQL 2000 or later. One of a useful tool in Enterprise Manager is data browser. It lets us to query and to modify data in fields. I have some problems about entering data in fields. In some cases, fields are nullable. Initially, it might be null and then I entered something. Once I want to set it back to null, it is not possible to just remove everything I entered. The reason of this problem is the difference of empty string and null. To reset data back to null, you have to press CTRL+0.

According to my last posts about  and Python to JavaScript Compiler, I have found lots of effort to bring the dream come true. Let me summarize them.

I am a 1/4K SDN Member

I have just got a package sent from U.S. There is a T-Shirt from SDN team inside that package plus a short message as follow.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for your SDN T-Shirt. The enormous success of SDN - we tripled the number of members while discussion forum activity exploded 6x during the past year - outpaced our ability to keep-up with the T-Shirt distribution process. We’re working to make the process smoother and faster, we appreciate your contributions in the past, and we encourage you to keep contribution to the SAP developer community on SDN.

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