
Python to JavaScript Compiler

According to  which is designed for transforming Java to JavaScript, I have also found Python to JavaScript Compiler. It has not been finished or actively developed but it may be useful for all python developers including me. migrated to Drupal

I have found an unofficial announcement at AGCentral. It pointed me to the new AG portal to host AGDP. Where is it? No, not the new place but it is just a new CMS, Drupal. The new AGDP is now organized as Documentation taxonomy. Wow! It is a big move for from handmade website to interactive one. As expectation, it is many more up-to-date.

Eventually, Google has finally   (GWT), its AJAX framework behind Gmail, Google Calendar and many more. So now we have many choices to develop AJAX applications right now. At least we have  and Google Web Toolkit. These two frameworks are completely different. Yahoo! UI Library offers you a complete set of JavaScript which supposes to handle all dynamic content manipulations. Google Web Toolkit offers a set of Java wrapper to generate all JavaScript at run-time to handle all dynamic content manipulations heavily relying on AJAX technique.

Remote Monitoring Enterprise Network with IPTraf

In enterprise network, you might find so many possible strange problems that you are unable to analyze off-site. I got some requests to remotely debug network problem immediately. The problem is I couldn’t be there myself. The problem I know is just the network seemed too slow. Nobody knows what happen. What I have is just an account to access a linux server in that network. The first thing I guessed to cause this problem was some computers might be downloading something big. Anyway, my problem is how to spot that machines precisely. Since I only had ssh account, it was not suitable to start X window because the network was so slow. As a result, I had to solve this problem in pure text mode.

Next Generation of Wordpress Administration Panel

Last week, someone found Wordpress Shuttle | Administration Redesign Project. It looks very cool in my opinion. At least, it gives me smell like enterprise application. Anyway, flexibility might be decreased. We have to talk about each part one by one.

  • Navigation menu - Actually, I don’t like horizontal menu at the top of the page because lacking of scalability. You can’t have too many menu items. I know that it is bad design to have lots of menu items. However, it is necessary in some cases.

According to , Google Notebook is available by now. Try it out at . Thanks to TechCrunch for this rapid . In fact, it is faster than Google Blog. Okay. Let us see what we have right now. Google Notebook is also AJAXified so you can drag and drop notes to rearrange or to move them to another book. Nothing special. As said in TechCrunch, you can’t label note by custom keywords. I don’t think labeling or tagging is that so important because you are using Google. Don’t forget about that. Google don’t trust your specified keyword on webpages. Google knows how to extract the right keywords from the given texts.

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