3proxy: emergency tiny proxy server

I encountered a bandwidth problem. It seems international bandwidth was quite low so I can't run even "apt-get update" successfully in reason time. Anyway, I really want to update package repositories to make everything up-to-date. So I looked for interim solution like proxy server to help me pass through this obstacle as quick as possible. I have other hosts with fast access to international sites and this host also is accessible so fast from my host. It should be possible to run a kind of web proxy there.

There are so many proxy server for Linux. The default one is Squid. However, Squid is too good for me. I don't want cache server. I don't want really complex configuration since I will only start the proxy server manually when I need  use this proxy. Then I found Tinyproxy. Tinyproxy is smaller than Squid because there is no cache support here. Anyway, it is still too complex for just a simple requirement like me. Eventually, I found 3proxy. 3proxy is very easy to configure by just a few line configuration like below.
proxy -p18888 -n

That's all. To make it more secure, I appended 2 lines to authenticate client by IP address.
proxy -p18888 -n
auth iponly
allow * * *

Wow. As a result, I could successfully update my repositories by following command.
$ http_proxy= sudo apt-get update
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