Drupal 4.7.0 beta 4 released

Well, Drupal 4.7.0 beta 4 has just released last night. I am going to upgrade howforge.com and see what is going on. There are several successful upgrade from beta 3. I will be the next one.

Just in time for DrupalCon 2006, Vancouver, the Drupal development team is pleased to announce the fourth beta release of Drupal 4.7.0! It is available for immediate download at http://drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-4.7.0-beta4.tar.gz. This beta release is hopefully the final beta release for Drupal 4.7.0 and marks a significant improvement in the Drupal 4.7.0 codebase. Since beta 3, over 120 bugs have been fixed, bringing the total to nearly 300 bugs fixed since the first beta release. All of these changes are detailed in the changelog. However, there are still more bugs to be found, reported and fixed before a release candidate can be made. The good news is that, with your help, we can release Drupal 4.7.0 RC1 much sooner!
Drupal 4.7.0 beta 4 available | drupal.org

(via: drupal.org | Community plumbing)

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