Google Notebook is Now

According to , Google Notebook is available by now. Try it out at . Thanks to TechCrunch for this rapid . In fact, it is faster than Google Blog. Okay. Let us see what we have right now. Google Notebook is also AJAXified so you can drag and drop notes to rearrange or to move them to another book. Nothing special. As said in TechCrunch, you can’t label note by custom keywords. I don’t think labeling or tagging is that so important because you are using Google. Don’t forget about that. Google don’t trust your specified keyword on webpages. Google knows how to extract the right keywords from the given texts.

The key component of Google Notebook is its external program: Firefox extension and IE add-on. This thing will help you to access your notes by just a click or two. In addition, you may add new note by just selecting texts and choosing a popup menu. Alternatively, you might be interesting some links returned by Google Search. It’s extremely easy to note that link by just pressing "Note this".

TechCrunch compared Google Notebook to The main difference is how the link being tagged. lets us tag the link by given keywords. Google Notebook lets us tag the link by given free texts or nothing. Yes, the key is nothing. You don’t need to specify any description because Google already knows about that link. They know at least PageRank.

Google again lets us decide to make our notes public or private. Note that everyone could search for your contents immediately when you made some changes. You may imagine that Google Notebook is a kind of free short blog service which offers many more convenience to add new contents than Blogger.

God bless Google! Eventually, Google Blog .

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