How to work with MSSQL in Python on Linux

Actually, I like to work with SQLite or MySQL because they are so very easy to find and work with. However, sometimes we might need to work with Microsoft SQL. Working with MSSQL on MS Windows is quite easy. There are so many drivers on that platform. Unfortunately, I am living on Linux, Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, and my favorite programming language is [Python][]. As a result, I have to find a way to contact MSSQL through Python.

How to use mootools with jQuery in Drupal

If you have used Drupal for a while, you may notice jQuery in Drupal 5. If you visit, you may also notice that it looks like Drupal right now. According to this post, Matt Nuzum confirmed that it is Drupal. This site looks very beautiful. The most interesting is that it uses mootools which is another javascript library. Actually, mootools should conflict to jQuery. So the question is how to use mootools in Drupal site.

Web Application and Weapon

I have a chance to think about developing web application and a question just popped in my mind. Actually, programming looks like fighting in a war which we are going to move forward to the goal. There are so many obstacles along the way. However, just like in the war which we have a set of weapons, we have libraries, frameworks and systems instead. The question is what weapon such each library or framework or system look like in the war.

Caution! Below are just my intuition so read at your own risk and don't trust me.

How to use ntfs-3g on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

I have upgraded to Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn for a week without problem. However, today is the first chance that I have to mount external HDD via USB. The external storage is automatically mounted via pmount by internal ntfs driver bundled with linux kernel. As a result, I was unable to make any changes to the device. In Edgy, I installed ntfs-3g using packages from external repositories. Anyway, Feisty provides more configurable approach.

wxPython - A Simple Application

A thread at Codenone has been discussing about how to programming with Button in wxPython. In conclusion, there were 2 questions.

  1. How to fire an event to a specific button whenever Return or Enter key is pressed?
  2. How to specify TAB order to TextCtrl?

In fact, I have never developed GUI program for so long. I guessed as follows.

  1. Set the button as default.
  2. Specify tab index.

Above answers are just partially correct.

Greatest Common Divisor

One of the most popular definition in mathematics is the Greatest Common Divisor or GCD. If i am not wrong, I studied about GCD in primary school or secondary school after I learned division. At that time, I don't know why I need to use GCD other than for calculating Fraction. Actually, GCD is used so often in high-level mathematics and computer sciences. Since it is very popular, there are many approaches for finding GCD of given numbers.

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