
How to fix silent flash in Firefox on Dapper

I'm trying to teach myself to sing . Unfortunately, it was so quiet. I could not hear any sound at all. Only I know is that my sound card works well with ALSA so the problem could be firefox don't know how to deal with ALSA properly. By the way, every questions have their answers including this one. Eventually, I found a good blog since last January. I just need to install alsa-oss (already done) by sudo apt-get install alsa-oss. And then modify /etc/firefox/firefoxrc to use ALSA as below.

Linux Kernel 2.6.x Local Root Exploit

As of today, Linux Kernel 2.6.x has been hacked for lots of local root exploits. Anyway, it doesn't matter how many they are but it does matter that most of that exploits valid on most Linux stations. One serious case is that they also valid on even cluster distribution like NPACI Rocks. In other words, the whole servers in a cluster maybe exploited for cracking bigger goal, e.g., password decryption. Ones may argue that it is not that dangerous because they are local root exploits, not remote root exploits. Yes, they are. But you have to imagine the power of grid computing where you can run a job seemlessly on remote clusters with automatic executable staging. That's enough. One may exploit the whole grid instantly.

Liferea: Offline Feed Reader

My favorite feed reader is because I can read all entries without moving mouse pointer. The former one is Sage which is a Firefox extension. Sage is good but big at the same time. One good thing of Sage is cookie. Since Sage is integrated to Firefox, it read feeds with cookie authentication perfectly. Anyway, Sage is not the right one for me so I switched to Google Reader which is much more simpler. I had lived with Google Reader for a few months without problem until last week. I went to seminar in a hotel without network. That was a sad story. I was unable to read any feeds at all. So after I came back, I looked for an offline feed reader for the next chance. Eventually, I found Liferea, standed for Linux Feed Reader. What's a good name?

Actually, I don't have my own video except only the screencast captured by ffmpeg on my laptop. That's only one I have by now. So I would like to see how Google Video works and how well it is. As a result, is uploaded successfully. And I also would like to see how to embed into my blog.

AccessGrid on Ubuntu

Most of my works relate to grid technology and AccessGrid is one of them. I would like to install AccessGrid on my Ubuntu laptop in proper way. I mean to install AccessGrid via standard deb package plus a repository for next installation. Unfortunately, I have not found any sources for rebuilding on Dapper.

Setting up Ubuntu Repository

Since I rebuilt some Ubuntu packages such as pure-ftpd and ffmpeg, I think it would be better to keep the packages where I can get it back quickly whenever I need. I have a host for hosting my files. Anyway, the host is CentOS and it does not have any APT tools. In addtion, I don't know about Ubuntu or Debian repository. Fortunately, I found a good article and a good howto. The most important thing in Debian-based repository is its directory structure. What I have is as follow.
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