
How to setup local Tomcat for Eclipse

Usually, Eclipse supports Tomcat by default. However, you need to tweak some settings of Tomcat manually to make everything work as expect. The most common thing that does not work correctly is manager. After starting Tomcat, you are able to access the manager at http://localhost:8080/manager/html. However, you may get message as follow.

access to the requested resource has been denied.

The status code is 403 which indicates forbidden access. If you don't use manager, it's fine. Anyway, you might want to use manager to undeploy or deploy web applications.

How to change max open files limit in Linux

By default, each user is limited maximum number of open files to 1024. Sometimes this value might be insufficient, e.g., you are running peer-to-peer applications on the host. If you want to see the current value, run ulimit -n or ulimit -a to see all limits. Anyway, you should get error messages as follow whenever the limit is not enough.

Too many open files

Performance improvement of Drupal 5 against 4.7

Drupal 5 has been released for a while. It comes with lots of changes in APIs as well as in the core engine. One of the reason to drive changing the core engine of Drupal is performance. If you remember the performance comparision of Ruby on Rails, Django and Symfony (read here) last year, the performance result was Django, Ruby on Rails and Symfopy, respectively. Django was outperformed because Python is generally run faster than the rest. Moreover, PHP is always the slowest one even with any kind of accelerator.

Anyway, Drupal may break above results. It's just a matter of time. Drupal 6 is one of the promising CMS I imagine.

How to install MySQL server 4.1 on Ubuntu Edgy

In Ubuntu Edgy Eft, the default repository only have mysql-server-5.0 since it is the lastest stable version. However, in some rare cases where existings codes are relying on MySQL 4.1, it is eaiser to install MySQL 4.1 to minimize the effect on the codes. Below is what I did.

How to bind directory in Linux

Have you ever been getting problem regarding chroot aka Change Root? Change root is a great solution to create a jail for such a process, users or services to maximize level of security concern. The most common usage of Change Root is for FTP server. However, it is not perfect in some cases. For example, you are going to provide a file server for mirroring through FTP. Unfortunately, you don't have SAN or NAS to serve large storage, says 1 TB or more, on a single directory (a partition). There are several solutions, e.g., parallel file system and friends. Another solution with less complexity is to bind directory locally.

How to setup Xserver for i810-based WXGA on Projector

It has been so long since I upgraded my laptop to Ubuntu Edgy Eft and dual screen does not work properly anymore. I tried several techniques but all failed. Anyway, I have just found a new hope in Gentoo Howto. By some modification the given xorg.conf in the howto, the dual screen works again.