
Porting gsitemap.module to Drupal 5

Another useful module for all content-based sites is gsitemap which interacts with efficiently. This module already has its branch for Drupal 5. However, it doesn't work properly on Drupal 5 yet.

Porting geshifilter.module to Drupal 5

Actually, I have never used GeSHiFilter for so long since I switched to marksmarty. It is possible to use them both simultaneously but I was too lazy to add

or   around the code. Anyway, GeSHiFilter is very useful for code discussion site, e.g., Codenone. That's why I ported this module so far. In addition, this site also has some posts using GeSHiFilter.

Adding menu entry for system settings form in atom.module

According to my previous post, I patched atom module to run on Drupal 5. Anyway, it is not completely ported yet. I forget to explicitly define system settings form in hook_menu() so I submitted a patch again. You have to get the CVS version and then apply this patch again.

Porting interwiki.module to Drupal 5

This is a long journey for me. The second critical module in this site is interwiki. I often used this useful module to refer to something mostly Technorati. This module is a filter so it is possible to use with other filter including wiki or markdown.

Porting ip2cc and search_keywords to Drupal 5

Eventually, I continue my tasks as a module maintainer to port my modules, ip2cc and search_keywords to Drupal 5. I would like to announce that these modules are ported to Drupal 5. If you have time, please give it a try to upgrade.

BenQ Joybook S52 built-in sound card partially work with ALSA

Wow! It has been about 7 months since I migrated to Ubuntu Dapper in my laptop, BenQ Joybook S52, with on sound. During that time, I live with a USB sound card. As I mentioned in the past, this issue has been posted about 19 months ago. Fortunately, this issue has big progress last week or two. Congratulation for all you having BenQ Joybook S52 and S53 series!