
Installing Flash Player 9 for Linux on Ubuntu Edgy

Flash Player 9 for Linux has just been released. I'm going to install it on my Ubuntu Edgy. You may adapt my instruction to match what you have.

3D Visualizing Quantum Chemistry Molecule in Ubuntu Edgy

First of all, I'm not a chemistry scientist at all. It is not my field. This era, we are on the globalization and multi-disciplinary interaction. I am just a computer engineer and any fields might involve to computer. Actually, computer itself is absolutely useless as long as you don't have applications to run. Recent drugs are officially recovered using virtual screening technology based on computational science where as computer system is used as a key component to simulate the effect of each drug candidate instead of going to try it in real laboratory. This technique is a part of quantum chemistry. Not only simulation is used here but also visualization is another critical part. I can't remember how to explain the structure of a molecule but I'm sure it must be in 3D plane. Human may imagine how it is but it is impossible to communicate to others by just description. The only way to solve this problem is 3D visualization in computer. That's why I'm here. Moreover, my box is Ubuntu Edgy. I have to find my way to visualize input/output in 3D.

Porting multiping.module to Drupal 5

The built-in Ping module bundled with Drupal is not as good as I expect to have on my site because it only notifies Ping-o-Matic. I just want to ping to custom list of pinging services. I have also found multiping which was initially referred in a thread. Actually, I patched the built-in Ping module to support custom Ping services, both ping and extendedPing. Anyway, it is not as good as multiping provide to me. Unfortunately, multiping has not been ported to Drupal 5 yet. That's why I have to do it today.

Porting customerror.module to Drupal 5

One thing I would like to track in my sites is how many query got 404 or 403 error. Sometimes, 404 means something wrong by me. Anyway, I have my hero, customerror module.

How to convert MP3 to AAC using FFmpeg

MP3 is one of the most popular audio format for a decade and now it has a new competiter called AAC. Many recent audio players are supporting both formats. Who's know one or both of them may lose in this competition. Anyway, some players only support AAC right now. That's why I have to post this howto.

Trying Emacs 23 on Ubuntu Edgy Eft

There are 2 editors in this world I would like to try. The first one is Vi which is my favorite editor for years. The second one is Emacs which many people suggest me to try for getting another experiences. I have tried Emacs many times with no luck. I was unable to use it as I wish. Even getting out was not easy for me. Now the time has come for my next chance. This time, I have advisors and supervisors to help me get through this trouble startup to change my life. Don't worry, Vi is still my first choice on remote connection via ssh. Thanks to all expertists at Codenone.