
Old theme and new layout

If you notice some weird in this site, there are something wrong since I used this theme. This theme is bluebreeze. It is nearly perfect especially for SEO except only one big problem regarding anchor (see issue). Well, it is also beautiful at least for me. The theme is good but the layout is too advanced for standard CSS. I found another good layout in Aberdeen. Anyway, the theme is not for me at all. So my solution is to use Aberdeen's layout with the bluebreeze's theme.

How to merge video files using MEncoder

I don't have transcode and I also don't want to install transcode on my laptop. Anyway, I have MPlayer and its brother, mencoder. It is good enough for merging video files into one long file.

How to reset TAP-Win32 for OpenVPN

Sometimes, OpenVPN for Win32 platform may refuse to start because all TAP-Win32 virtual ethernet adapters are in-used. In fact, this situation is just confusing state that OpenVPN is unable to open the adapters. Below is my solution.

Drupal 4.7 performs top rating in review against other CMS

Dries posted about the review of Drupal 4.7 against other popular CMS, e.g., Joomla, Mambo, Midgard, Plone and Typo3. I don't have a copy but Dries took some photos to show Table of features. As a result, Drupal 4.7 has all features while others are missing some of them. Cool! That's just Drupal 4.7. We have Drupal 5 (Drupal 5.1) right now. I can't imagine what will be in next review of Drupal 5 against other CMS again.

How to change IP of ISPConfig

When you move your hosting server to another ISP or even just change its IP address, you have to update all configuration regarding IP in ISPConfig. Below is my log.

Compiling C++ applications for mipsel platform

In the past, I usually posted about my success of doing something but not this post. I have been encountering big problem that is not solved yet. It is more than 7 days from the beginning. Generally, I will leave tabs relating to my current interesting in Firefox until all problems are solved. Then I will post what I did here or somewhere else. In my opinion, 7 days are too long for such a problem. I should suspend this topic for next chance. So I will post everything involved to this topic here as the checkpoint.

The problem is about running a C++ applications on mipsel platform. In particular, the applications are all examples of libtorrent and the mipsel platform is Asus WL-500g Premium. libtorrent is written in C++. That is not exactly the cause of this problem. The real problem is it relies on Boost library and this library uses many C++ features that are not available in uClibc++.