Comparison of ruby and python line by line (2/3)
In the first part of this series, you see how ruby and python retrieve data from given URL and then parse the results using regular expression. In part two, the code is extended to query prices from through .
- Specify executable
- Import modules
Rubyrequire ’net/http’ require ’rexml/document’
Pythonimport sys import re import urllib from xml.dom.ext.reader import Sax2 from xml.dom.ext import Print from xml import xpath
- Validate argument
Rubyif ARGV.length == 0 puts "#{$0}: You must enter at least one argument" exit end
Pythonif len(sys.argv) == 1: print "%s: You must enter at least one argument." % sys.argv[0] sys.exit()
- Initialize output and regular expressions
Rubyoutput = "" not_in_collection_re = /class="yourEntryWouldBeHereData"/ix on_shelf_re = /CHECK SHELF/ix checked_out_re = /DUE /ix
Pythonoutput = ’’ not_in_collection_re = re.compile(r’class="yourEntryWouldBeHereData"’,re.I) on_shelf_re = re.compile(r’CHECK SHELF’,re.I) checked_out_re = re.compile(r’DUE ’,re.I)
- Start loop
RubyARGV.each do |isbn|
Pythonfor isbn in sys.argv[1:]:
- Validate input
Rubyif not isbn.match(/[0-9xX]{10}/) output << "ISBN #{isbn} is invalid.\n" next end output << "ISBN: #{isbn}\n"
Pythonif not re.match(r’[0-9xX]{10}’,isbn): output += ’ISBN %s is invalid.\n’ % isbn continue output += ’ISBN: %s\n’ % isbn
- Query AWS
Rubyamazon_params = {’Service’ => ’AWSECommerceService’, ’Operation’ => ’ItemLookup’, ’AWSAccessKeyId’ => ’XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’, ’ItemId’ => isbn, ’ResponseGroup’ => ’Medium,OfferFull’, ’MerchantId’ => ’All’}.map{|key,value|"#{key}=#{value}"}.join("&") amazon_response = Net::HTTP.get_response(’’, ’/onca/xml?’ << amazon_params)
Pythonamazon_params = { ’Service’: ’AWSECommerceService’, ’Operation’: ’ItemLookup’, ’AWSAccessKeyId’: ’XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’, ’ItemId’: isbn, ’ResponseGroup’: ’Medium,OfferFull’, ’MerchantId’: ’All’, } amazon_response = urllib.urlopen(’’,urllib.urlencode(amazon_params))
- Parse XML
Rubyxml =
Pythonxml = Sax2.FromXmlStream(amazon_response).documentElement
- Extract information from the XML
Rubynew_price = xml.root.elements["Items/Item/OfferSummary/LowestNewPrice/FormattedPrice"] if new_price.nil? output << "\tNew: None available\n" else output << "\tNew: #{new_price.text}\n" end used_price = xml.root.elements["Items/Item/OfferSummary/LowestUsedPrice/FormattedPrice"] if used_price.nil? output << "\tUsed: None available\n" else output << "\tUsed: #{used_price.text}\n" end collectible_price = xml.root.elements["Items/Item/OfferSummary/LowestCollectiblePrice/FormattedPrice"] if collectible_price.nil? output << "\tCollectible: None available\n" else output << "\tCollectible: #{collectible_price.text}\n" end
Pythontry: new_price = xpath.Evaluate(’Items/Item/OfferSummary/LowestNewPrice/FormattedPrice’,xml)[0] output += ’\tNew: %s\n’ % new_price.childNodes[0].nodeValue except: output += ’\tNew: None\n’ try: used_price = xpath.Evaluate(’Items/Item/OfferSummary/LowestUsedPrice/FormattedPrice’,xml)[0] output += ’\tUsed: %s\n’ % used_price.childNodes[0].nodeValue except: output += ’\tUsed: None\n’ try: collectible_price = xpath.Evaluate(’Items/Item/OfferSummary/LowestCollectiblePrice/FormattedPrice’,xml)[0] output += ’\tCollectible: %s\n’ % collectible_price.childNodes[0].nodeValue except: output += ’\tCollectible: None\n’
- Query Skokie
Rubyresponse = Net::HTTP.get_response(’’, "/search~S4/i?SEARCH=#{isbn}")
Pythonresponse = urllib.urlopen(’’,’SEARCH=%s’ % isbn) body =
- Parse the result
Rubyif not_in_collection_re.match(response.body) output << "ISBN #{isbn} is not in the Skokie collection.\n" elsif on_shelf_re.match(response.body) output << "ISBN #{isbn} is on the shelf.\n" elsif checked_out_re.match(response.body) output << "ISBN #{isbn} is currently checked out.\n" else output << "ISBN #{isbn} response: Unparseable!.\n" end
Pythonif output += ’ISBN %s is not in the Skokie collection.\n’ % isbn elif output += ’ISBN %s is on the shelf.\n’ % isbn elif output += ’ISBN %s is currently checked out.\n’ % isbn else: output += ’ISBN %s response: Unparseable!\n’ % isbn
- End loop
Python - Print output
Rubyputs output
Pythonprint output
Not too bad! Python can do what Ruby do but slightly longer due to too simple syntax, especially, XML APIs. Ruby comes with rexml while Python has pyxml as an external package. So choosing Ruby and Python cannot be done based on just syntax or features. It is up to you. Do you like short and compact code? Do you like clean and clear code?
Don't forget to read part 1, 2, 3.
Technorati Tags: English, IT, Programming, Python, Tips and Tricks, Ruby, XML, Rexml, Pyxml
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