
How to install Sun Java on Debian

Installing java on Debian is a kind of tricky steps. It is not necessary to follow below procedures if you don't care about what Sun will do on your linux box and you don't care about unknown files after uninstallation. You should create a deb package for each Java package for easily management later.

Why do you need Virtual Appliances?

I'm interesting in virtualization idea, especially Virtual Appliances proposed by VMWare. Why? I'm too lazy to install some softwares myself. I can but I don't want to waste my time. It would be extremely easy by just downloading virtual machine image, turning it on, customizing a bit, and it rocks in a right way.

How to obtain SAP RFC SDK

Just a note to obtain SAP RFC SDK. You need it if you want to develop any kind of SAP RFC from external subsystem like Perl, PHP, Python, or Ruby. If you are mainly working on Windows platform, precompiled DLL should be sufficient. Unfortunately, Linux platform is very complex due to various core libraries so usually, you need to recompile RFC for your programming language by yourself. Well, it is not easy to find SAP RFC SDK but I found a helpful thread.

Fix Incorrect Filename Encoding

My friend asked me some help to fix incorrect filename encoding. By default, most operating systems automatically create filename in utf-8 encoding. That's the correct and good one. However, in some case, applications may create filename in other encoding, e.g., TIS-620 for Thai. The result is unreadable filenames. Actually, this situation often occurs when you download files and create the same name on local computer. The encoding maybe ISO-8859-1. It is possible to prevent this problem by adjusting configuration of those applications. By the way, you are about to fix this problem since it is already happened.

Web Application and SELinux

One of my friend would like to set up a personal web for controlling BTQueue backend through web interface using PHPBTque. It is a good idea in case of you don't like ssh and command line. Unfortunately, he got some weird problem like "permission denied (13)". This error message was not ejected by BTQueue for sure. So where it came from is the key to fix this problem. Since the system he is running is Fedora Core 5, I guessed it should be SELinux and it is. SELinux is great in security but it is very difficult and too complicate to configure in general purpose server. Usually, I disabled SELinux in my all FC instances. By the way, other may like SELinux enough to configure SELinux for maximum security.

การติดตั้ง saprfc สำหรับ PHP เพื่อติดต่อกับ SAP R/3

การพัฒนาเว็บสำหรับ SAP R/3 สามารถทำได้หลายช่องทาง PHP ก็เป็นช่องทางหนึ่งซึ่งง่ายต่อการพัฒนามากทีสุด ใช้เวลาน้อยที่สุด การเขียน PHP เพื่อติดต่อกับ SAP R/3 มักนิยมใช้เพื่อการสร้างต้นแบบของเว็บเพื่อนำไปพัฒนาด้วยภาษาอื่นเช่น จาวา ต่อไปหลังจากที่ระบบเข้าที่แล้ว เอกสารนี้จะสมมติว่าเครื่องที่ใช้พัฒนาเป็น MS Windows XP/2003 เนื่องจากการใช้งานบนระบบปฏิบัติการอื่น เช่น Linux นั้นต้องมีไลบรารีของ SAP เท่านั้น