
3 steps after upgrading kernel in Ubuntu

Few days ago, Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn had just released the latest kernel upgrade. Since my laptop has a few proprietary kernel modules, e.g., VMware player and fglrx, I have to rebuild them immediately before continue my usual work. Anyway, this process is a kind of auto response for kernel upgrade.

How to capture webcam with audio using Mencoder

I have a webcam and my laptop is Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. I would like to capture a movie with both video and audio using those equipments. So the tool I used should be available in Ubuntu and the one I used is Mencoder.

How to sniff TCP connection in Linux

Today I have to investigate network related problem that caused some networks were usable for a moment. This problem was occurring at remote site so I didn't have physical access to anything. What I have is just an account on the Linux router for the NAT network in training room. The application relies on web services technology so it is absolutely pure TCP. There are so many problem regarding this investigation. The coordinator don't understand the lower level of network so I can't ask too much information. Actually, I have to try by myself. At a glance, I would like to know if the connection from the client to the web services container is success or not. So I need to have a kind of sniffer.

BTQueue 0.1.4 is coming soon

Eventually, BTQueue is coming very soon. In addition to later information regarding the change of core engine to BitTorrent 4.20.9, I have just created a new branch for changing the core engine to BitTorrent 5.0.7. I am pretty sure that it is possible to add priorities support in short period.

How to install oci8 for PHP 5 on Ubuntu

OCI8 is an extension for providing APIs to Oracle database management system. However, installing OCI8 is not just easy like apt-get since it requires SDK offered by Oracle and its distribution license prohibits the inclusion to linux distribution. That means we have to download and compile it by ourselves. Fortunately, it is a little bit easy for Ubuntu.

Why Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake must be long term support?

Ubuntu is one of the most popular in recent years. I like Ubuntu over other distributions because of its near-constant release date, says 6 months. However, 6 months seem to be too short for enterprise applications. They don't want to upgrade OS every 6 months or so. That is a reason why Dapper Drake must be long term support. However, there is another important reason between Dapper, Edgy and later release including the latest Feisty.