How Technorati Helps You

According to larry’s request, it is a long story so I explain how Technorati works in this separate post instead of so long comment. Technorati is actually a specific search engine focusing on providing service involving blog, blog, and blog. Generally, search engine is a key component of surfing Internet today. Nobody knows where the information they are looking for are, especially blog. Blog is not just old fashion web content but in fact, it could be categorized as up-to-date content. In other words, blogs are frequently updated than normal web page. Though, blogs are not similar to dynamic pages like webboards or forums because they are contentful and are usually in medium length. Since blogs are updated so often, search engines must update their indexes as fast as possible. How to do that? Polling is not good enough in this situation so someone proposed asynchronous solution to solve this problem. The result is XML-RPC Ping service. This solution pushed additional duty to content publishers or content management software so Ping server will be notified about the update of given URL.

Since Technorati seems to be the first blog search engine, it is very popular and worth to be searchable via Technorati. The fastest way to promote your blog is to use Technorati, especially when you are starting a new blog site from scratch and there is no other indexed sites in Google. By any general purpose search engines, Google, MSN, Yahoo and etc, you may have to wait until they index your new sites to get lots of incoming visitors. However, you can promote your sites using ping mechanism. Technorati is not only the choice by now. Google released Google Blog Search which is growing everyday. This site has incoming visitors from Google Blog Search more than from Technorati right now. Google Blog Search works the same way Technorati does. It relies on ping mechanism. However, instead of setup new ping server, Google Blog Search periodically fetches pinged sites from That means you have to ping to make your content indexed by Google Blog Search.

Ok. So you should understand how Technorati and ping mechanism work. The point is that you don’t need to sign up at Technorati to ping them. You may sign up if you want to add your avatar into your entries in Technorati or to track some statistics about your blog sites. In conclusion, if you are blogging, don’t forget to ping at least 2 sites: and to make your posts being searchable via Google Blog Search and Technorati, respectively.

For the last question about tags, you don’t need to worry about them. Tags are a nice feature to help search engines correctly extract keywords out of your contents. Only some search engines trust on tags, e.g. Technorati. Below are sample tags. They are not necessary at all. Your contents could be accessible via full-text search by the way.

Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Awesome explanation!

I thank you sugree for such a detailed explanation. I actually did not realize that Technorati is a search engine for blogs. I also did not realize that it's not necessary to use tags. I appreciate your clearing all that up and making a new post for this topic because...I have another question! If Technorati is for blogs and is for blogs and is for blogs...what happens if your site is'nt a blog? I mean, the ping mechansim is very nice to use, but what if you are not only blogging? Are you then stuck with normal search engines like google? Let's use Drupal as an example. Let's say I create only story and page nodes and NO blog nodes. Can I still ping Technorati? I think this is only a question of an RSS feed. Whenever you ping Technorati your blog must be syndicated i.e. have it's own RSS feed. The same for story and page nodes. You would have to create a vocabulary, assign taxonomy terms to it, assign those terms to the story and page nodes you want Technorati to find, and it will work. Is this correct? What services will track the changes made to non-blog sites that uses RSS syndication. When I say non-blog I mean a site that may have blog, story, page, and image nodes all at the same time? Thanks again for your awesome explanation. cheers, larry

good question!

You are correct. The secret behide ping is RSS feed. You can ping to those ping servers as long as your contents are listed in the main site feed. In Drupal, it means only prompoted nodes are updated during each ping. Taxonomy is not necessary. This seems to be a kind of limitation. The ping module in Drupal, including my patch, only supports site-wide RSS feed. You are unable to force them to ping only some taxonomies or to give a list of URLs to ping instead of the front page. If your site is not pure blog, e.g., company site with product descriptions, blog search may not help you to increase customer. The fastest way to add your site to Google's index is to put link to your site in the page already indexed. It takes only 3 days or less. By the way, you should only put the link on relevant pages so your page rank will go higher.

thanks again....

I have been testing your ping's wonderful and works perfectly for your three sites listed here However, when I use this list here, I get "failed to notify" messages for every service. Do you know why this is? Could this be a cron issue...cron not completing it's run? If this were true, would'nt some services get pinged? I'm confused a bit. Thanks again. cheers, larry

not work

Some ping server listed in are not working right now. I have tried some of them and end up only the three I mentioned.

wow...only three....

Out of all of those only three work? can't believe anything you read...except on howforge! What list are you using if I may ask? Thanks for clearing that up. Have you tried pingserver.module at drupal? I have, but I don't know actually what it does or how it works. It's supposed to be like cheers, larry

ping server

Yes, your site will be pinged by other sites. It would be very helpful if your site are running a kind of aggregators or you want to list latest blogs posted by your community.

another silly question...

Yes, but I have no idea how to test it. I've installed it and it seems to work, but how could I test it? Could I ping myself using your ping (listing my site in the ping section) patch using the url ""? If not how can I test it? Thanks again. cheers, larry


You may try the ping server by my patch using as the url. Another option is to use telnet. $ telnet 80 POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: Ping Client Host: Content-Type: text/xml Content-length: 219 My Site For more information, please consult Don't forget to adjust content-length if you change some contents.

I figured it out...

Thanks sugree. I kept getting an error saying that the pingserver was'nt able to connect and I could'nt figure out why. Now I know why. Many modules in the drupal 4.7 repository ARE NOT 4.7 compatible and HAVE NOT been updated, even though it says they have. The repository is actually a bit of a mess right now with many modules not belonging where they currently are. The pingserver module has not been updated to 4.7 yet and will not work with 4.7. So, I thank you for your explanation. I understand it all very well now. Hopefully, this module be updated because it's very cool functionality for a website to have. Thanks again. cheers, larry

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