Fix Incorrect Filename Encoding
My friend asked me some help to fix incorrect filename encoding. By default, most operating systems automatically create filename in utf-8
encoding. That's the correct and good one. However, in some case, applications may create filename in other encoding, e.g., TIS-620 for Thai. The result is unreadable filenames. Actually, this situation often occurs when you download files and create the same name on local computer. The encoding maybe ISO-8859-1. It is possible to prevent this problem by adjusting configuration of those applications. By the way, you are about to fix this problem since it is already happened.
- sugree's blog
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Create screencast with record-visual
I have blogged about recoding a screencast via VNC using vncrec-audio and record-visual. I just have a chance to try it out tonight. To install record-visual, I have to install its dependencies such as iconify, vncrec-audio, mencoder, and sls. In addition, I have to install jackd because vncrec-audio depends on this audio system.
- sugree's blog
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I can't remember how long I had been waiting for an account at . It seems like everyone have it installed on their sites but not for me. Anyway, the wait is overed by today since it goes public right now. Thanks to Nick for that to acknowledge all of us, especially me. I have applied to be tracked with module for Drupal.
- sugree's blog
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AllPeers in Ubuntu Dapper #2
Today, in the morning, AllPeers has been upgraded to AllPeers Beta 0.40. I have not tested the issue of conflict to FoxyProxy yet buy I have tried to share my files and folders with my friends. The user interface is still too complicate in my opinion. It would be better to have tabular interface like eMule or something like that. Anyway, download speed is quite good even only one peer (me and my friend). However, as I mentioned above, thumbnail icon list is not efficient for large amount of shared files.
- sugree's blog
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How to install BTQueue on Ubuntu Server
Since you are going to run BTQueue on Ubuntu or other Linux box, I recommend all you to use the latest version in Subversion repository. Sorry, I don't have deb package yet. If you don't have subversion, sudo apt-get install subversion
to get the latest version.
- sugree's blog
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AllPeers in Ubuntu Dapper #1
Hooray! After waiting for so long, I got my activation code for AllPeers. This is news of the day for me. I would like to try it out right now. The version that I tried is AllPeers Beta 0.39. I choosed Linux 32-bit with libstdc++ version 6 that is default for my Dapper box. Installation went fine and next to restart to activate the installation.
- sugree's blog
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