
Performancing for Firefox

Actually, I used Post2Blog for a half year without problem. Unfortunately, I'm now on Ubuntu. No more windows applications from now on. .Net applications may be compatible to Mono but I don't want to waste my time to try it out. So I have to find a new off-line blog publishing tool for Linux. I found several candidate but none of them officially support Drupal and my blog engine is Drupal.

Migrated to Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake

Last night, I migrated my laptop to Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake as I mentioned yesterday. Just to note that my laptop is not linux friendly in anyway. Sound works fine but connecting to external CRT or projector doesn't work and there is no solution right now. Unfortunately, I really want this capability so I decided to exchange my laptop with one of my wife. It is BenQ S52-M36. Cool! Everything seems to work just fine so I installed Dapper last night. As a result, now I have almost my works running on Ubuntu including this post.

Migrating to Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake

Today, I decided to migrate OS in my laptop. Actually, all of my works are almost based on Linux or scripting language like Python or PHP. It would be better to have Linux on my laptop instead of Windows-based machine. However, is not as mature as I expected. As a result, Windows system should be still remained some way. In fact, currently, I am running Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake in VMware on Windows XP host. So, I would switch the configuration so that Ubuntu is my main operating system and Windows XP would run in virtual machine instead.

Remote Monitoring Enterprise Network with IPTraf

In enterprise network, you might find so many possible strange problems that you are unable to analyze off-site. I got some requests to remotely debug network problem immediately. The problem is I couldn’t be there myself. The problem I know is just the network seemed too slow. Nobody knows what happen. What I have is just an account to access a linux server in that network. The first thing I guessed to cause this problem was some computers might be downloading something big. Anyway, my problem is how to spot that machines precisely. Since I only had ssh account, it was not suitable to start X window because the network was so slow. As a result, I had to solve this problem in pure text mode.

Upgrading Ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06 Beta in VMware

Today, I decided to upgrade my Ubuntu 5.10 instance in VMware to Ubuntu 6.06 Beta Dapper Drake. It is very easy to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper by doing as follows.

  1. Update all softwares to the most recent version

How to install VMware Tools on Ubuntu 5.10

Once you installed Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy as a guest OS in VMware, you have to install VMware tools to make it work perfectly. Anyway, some components, e.g., vmhgfs, are unavailable as a pre-compiled module for up-to-date kernel in Ubuntu. Fortunately, VMware offers source codes to recompile on our machines manually. However, the problem is the kernel was compiled using gcc-3.4.5 while the default gcc installed by Ubuntu is gcc-4.0. VMware don’t let us to compile in this situation.

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